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If you have been wondering where I have been, what I have been doing, why I have been gone from this typographical home for so long…. Reader, I made a human. This may come as something of a surprise because I have never been a broody person. I am a soft touch with cats, dogs,…… Continue reading Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo

so that happened

What Not To Do: Facebook Messenger Edition

Over the weekend, after reading a message that had just come through on my phone, I let out a small huff. It was the kind of huff that acts as a tiny, audible exclamation point; the kind that tells you something has been noted that doesn’t deserve the energy or attention of actual words. Across…… Continue reading What Not To Do: Facebook Messenger Edition

Life Skills Unlocked

Life Skills Unlocked: Solving the Riddle of the Strong Smell of Cat Pee

My kitchen smells like cat pee. Considering I don’t own a cat (yet), this is not a sentence I expected to type. A kitchen can smell like many things – the toast we burned at the weekend, the flapjacks I made on Tuesday, the cacio e pepe spaghetti we ate last night – but I…… Continue reading Life Skills Unlocked: Solving the Riddle of the Strong Smell of Cat Pee